Monday the 11th of May, 2009

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Post loads to comments.


Out of Town/Home Workout

Hand Stand Push-Ups (HSPUs)


If you can't do HSPUs, scale it down to a pike or assisted HSPU. Check out this video from the CrossFit main site that shows Nicole Carroll doing a few variations including scale downs.

Skill of the week: Double Unders*

*We have ordered Ultra Speed Jump Ropes. If you want one, reserve one. They will be in mid-week.

Notes, tools, articles and ephemera:


Slim Biscayne said...

6 a.m. class


115# push press - 14 reps

plenty of double-unders practice. nailed about 7 total including before and after the lifts.

My shoulders are still stiff from Saturday's ring dips.

Anonymous said...

yesterday I hit 1.25 miles, 25 burpees, 1.25 miles. I experimented with forward lean and landing on the mid and fore foot. My calves are toasty today. Resting it out.

Slim Biscayne said...

I have a P.O.S.E. DVD if you wanna borrow it ever.

Yamakoa said...

Could I reserve two ropes?

Feeling guilty for not doing anything yesterday. Although I am feeling "really well trained" from the wod on Sat.


PANOS said...

I want to borrow that cd as well. Can u bring it in and we could play it on our dvd/tv combo at the gym.

Yes,I will reserve 2 for you.
Dont feel guilty about taking a rest day.

Paul said...

Hey Pete if you got anymore jump ropes hold one for me too, i'm out of town for a week on Thursday so I'm gonna need it while i'm home.

Paul said...

One more thing...
I really like this skill of the week, can't tell you how much this will help, I for one am usually too tired and lack motivation post workout to do it.
I would like to request Handstand pushups for a future skill of the week

Dan said...

Jumpropes held for Wess, K2 and Alex, Amir, Dibo, Tara, Fern and Paul.
If anyone else wants one, let us know and we will re order. For now they are sold out. Please bring your cash this week. They have been shipped.

Yamakoa said...



Practiced DU and straight bar MU

PANOS said...

My chest and shoulders are f..ing sore from hot box last saturday! I have not done the OHP yet. Hopefully tomorrow will do the trick.

Dan said...

Rest Day.